If you have received an email saying you have "almost reached their disk quota" or your account "has reached their disk quota" you may use the following method to determine what is consuming your disk quota space.
- Access your cPanel account (need help?).
- Find the "Files" section of your cPanel and click on "Disk Usage".
- This area displays information about your account’s disk usage.
- To determine the detail of where exactly the space is allocated, use the second section of the page, which has the sorting control above it (it says "Sort directories by").
- Click the ">" icon to the left of the directories to expand them open and get a view of the items they contain.
Using this tool will help you determine where the space in your account is used. If desired, you could upgrade your account to the next level. Or, if you require help to upgrade or doing some cleanup, please open a support ticket, and we will help you determine the best course of action.
Common things to look for:
- Backups - you should not store backups in your account. Some software (such as WordPress backup plugins) can fill your account producing backups. If you plan to use a backup plugin, ensure it has reasonable settings or can move the backups out of your account to a cloud service.
- Email - mail can build up quickly, be sure to check the mail folder in the disk usage areas