QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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Great support that is always there for us. Could not ask for a better hosting provider.

Ken Florences, Cloud9ers Soaring

I have been with QTH.com since 2003, using them for all of my hosting and domain registration needs and I have never experienced 1 second of downtime on any of my websites. Their customer service cannot be beat!

Jenny Williams

I utilized your tutorials and instructions to upload my website. It was actually very easy! I'm migrating from MobileMe and should have moved the hosting to QTH sooner.

Jeff Ward

The hosting service has been very reliable over the past 6 years, a critical factor for our business. The cPanel statistics have been a valuable tool, enabling us to immediately see the effects of the promotions and special offers we run.

Dave & Judi Jaksa, Custom Digitizer

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

Your great customer service is a big reason why I switched to you from ValueWeb.

Mary Charles Blakebrough

You have a TOP NOTCH service. I was able to transfer my stuff over without a problem and was up and going in minutes and your email system is really cool! I should have switched long ago. Thanks Scott!

Kelly K7SU

Thanks again so much for your extremely prompt and excellent customer service. A great pleasure in today's day and age.

Neil Henke, Three Sisters Labradors

With other hosting services, you're lucky to get a person on the phone or even an e-mail response. Not so with QTH.COM. You may have any prospective customer call me up and I will personally vouch for you. This is the way web hosting should be done!

Jay Terleski, Array Solutions

For never doing this before, creating a site with your SiteBuilder was almost painless and fun!!

Mike Alexander, N0BXE

QTH has hosted all of my sites since 2002 and I have never been tempted to change. Great service and a pleasure to do business with QTH.

John Bee, Quick Silver Radio